206 East Liberty Street
Stroup House was built about 1905, in Queen Anne “free classic”-style architecture. It is unusual because it is built like two asymmetric townhouses joined side-to-side, creating a nearly symmetrical appearance. The 2½-story house has a central pyramid roof with projecting side and front gables, and a 1-story wraparound porch. Two large single-pane windows are on the first floor, each with a transom pane. The interior totals well over 6000 square feet, with a huge central hall flanked by 8 rooms per floor, and rooms across the back of the house. The J.M. Stroups lived here until 1940, when department store owner Mason and Margaret McConnell bought it for $3800 and rented it until 1943. It was then bought by Wiley Marble and Granite Works owners Ralph and Gladys Wiley. Mrs. Wiley lived here for nearly 60 years, until she was 100 years old. Major restoration and improvements were by your hosts Terri and Marc Philemon.
212 East Liberty Street
Skinny Love’s House was built in 1922. It has nearly every exterior feature that is characteristic of Craftsman architecture, including a large shed dormer above the entrance, exposed beams and rafters, side gables with wide eaves and brackets, masonry porch columns, a deep porch, and solid porch railings. The entrance door has eight square panes over four vertical panes, with paneling beneath. The transom above the door has a diamond-shape window at its center. This was the home of Margaret “Skinny” Love, who taught at the Cannon Mills Village school and then other York schools until her retirement. Your hosts Beth Bailey and Dr. Emery P. Johnston have restored interior features such as French doors and Craftsman ceiling fixtures.
217 East Liberty Street
Carl Hart’s House is a 1921 gable-front-and-wing cottage in Craftsman-style architecture. The front-facing gable is decorated with false half-timbering. There is a flattened arch over the porch entrance. The porch has solid masonry railings and columns. The large side yard is where jeweler Thomas Speck lived until a fire destroyed his family’s house. This home was built for Carl and Dorris Hart, who added the wing to the left in the 1940s. The entrance door has 9 panes above recessed paneling. A simple cornice is above the door, and it is flanked by narrow sidelights above recessed paneling. Your hosts are Paulajo and Gary Gross.

Yorkville Historical Society Walking Tour project
324 East Liberty Street
Page House is a 1½ -story Colonial Revival side-gabled house with symmetrical side wings and a full basement, built in c. 1950. Square columns support a gabled full-height portico that is let into the main roof. The portico gable is accented with a lunette. The entry door is emphasized with a fanlight and narrow sidelights. The house is on four park-like acreas. Ida and James A. Page, Jr. had this house built by local builder John Foster. It is believed to be one of the city’ first homes with central air conditioning. It fell into severe disrepair in the 1970s, and the Strawhorn family oversaw major repairs, restoration, and improvements. Rena Strawhorn is your host.

Yorkville Historical Society Walking Tour project
22 East Liberty Street – Trinity United Methodist Church
Trinity Methodist Church is a brick Gothic Revival style church built in 1891 for $6000. The cross on the steeple is at a height of 75 feet. The gables are roofed with patterned metal shingles. The congregation was organized in 1824, and was the first organized Methodist church in York County. This congregation established one of the first three Sunday schools in South Carolina in 1829. Note the historical marker beneath the front windows. The interior has an impressive cathedral ceiling with open girders of oil-finished cherry, walnut, pine, and ash. The walnut and ash pulpit features a small inlaid cross cut from timber wood out of Independence Hall, Philadelphia. There is also an excellent pipe organ. The church warmly welcomes you.

Yorkville Historical Society Walking Tour project
210 East Jefferson Street – Historical Center of York County
Historical Center of York County is in a 1956 school building that was renovated in 2013. The hip and gable roof replaced the original flat roof, to complement the McCelvey Center next door. In the lobby is an old well which served a house, later moved next door when the school was built. The front of the building is the public research room, and is staffed to assist all who wish to examine and get copies of old deeds, newspapers, court judgements, wills, genealogy, unpublished manuscripts, censuses, maps, family history, local history, and other resources. It includes the Southern Revolutionary War Institute. The Center meets national museum standards for preserving historical items and documents. The Culture & Heritage Museums system is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums and is an Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. Thanks to Nancy Sambets and the staff, who warmly welcome you.