SC250 Initiative

The South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission’s mission is to celebrate and promote South Carolina’s role in the American Revolution by educating, engaging, and inspiring South Carolinians and visitors. The YHS is enthused about being a stakeholder in this commission. The SC250 Initiative website has more information:

Flag Day from SC250 Initiative June 2023 newsletter:

June 14, 2023 Flag Day

Wednesday, June 14, is Flag Day.  In the midst of the war for our Nation’s independence, on June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted a flag as a symbol of our fledgling Union.

Research points to 1861 when Jonathan Flynt Morris, a founding member of the Sons of the American Revolution’s Connecticut Society, first proposed a national recognition of Flag Day.  In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson first issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day.  In August 1949 Flag Day was officially established by an Act of Congress.  On June 9, 1966, Congress requested the President to issue annually a proclamation designating the week during which June 14 falls as “National Flag Week” and called upon all citizens of the United States to display the flag during that week.

The American Flag Certificate Program of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was authorized in 1987.  Certificates are presented to individuals, companies, and government agencies that fly the United States flag for patriotic purposes only. It is not presented to a commercial entity that obviously flies the flag for advertising purposes.  The Admiral William R. Furlong Memorial Award is presented annually at the SAR Congress to the state societies which have fulfilled the qualifications during the previous year. To qualify, each state society and a majority of its chapters must present, during the previous year, at least one Flag Certificate to a person or organization who qualifies.

The Stars and Stripes tells our Nation’s story and embodies its highest ideals and remains the most visible symbol worldwide of our great country.  On June 14, 2023, we will observe the 246th birthday of the Flag of the United States of America.  This special day provides a time for our Nation to reflect on our flag’s rich history and its meaning to Americans and people around the world.

I urge you to fly your United States flag on June 14 and to participate in the Society’s American Flag Certificate Program through your chapter.

Bruce Pickette
President General (2022–2023)